Ekart Logistics
All Local Parcel Service - Courier Offices in Murshidabad

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Ekart Logistics

All Local Parcel Service Courier Offices in Murshidabad, West Bengal

  • Address: 27/5, Kp Chattaraj Road, Near Gora Bazar, Raninagar, Berhampore, Murshidabad - 742101
  • Contact Person: -
  • Contact Number: 8067982222 / 8967121918 Report wrong number!
  • Email: -
Current Company : All Local Parcel Service. Change Company in Courier
Current State : West Bengal. Change State in All Local Parcel Service Courier
Current City : Murshidabad. Change City in West Bengal for All Local Parcel Service Courier
Current Offices : Ekart Logistics. Change Offices in Murshidabad, West Bengal for All Local Parcel Service Courier

Products available at shop / office :

All Local Parcel Service Courier

All All Local Parcel Service Courier Offices in Murshidabad, West Bengal :

  1. Blue Dart Express Ltd
  2. Abhisek Enterprise
  3. DAS Courier Center
  4. Ekart Logistics
  5. Shree Maruti Courier Service Pvt Ltd
  6. Trackon Couriers Pvt Ltd
  7. Arisha Enterprise
  8. Ecom Express
  9. Trackon Couriers Pvt Ltd
  10. Airstate Logistics Pvt Ltd
  11. Gorabazar Courier Service
  12. First Flight Couriers Ltd
  13. Quick N Safe Ltd
  14. Goodluck Commercial Service
  15. Skyking Courier
  16. Kuli Digital Seva Kendra Csc
  17. Biswas Communication
  18. Digitech World
  19. Eagle Express Service
  20. Suman Traders

Comments / reviews :

  1. Mouli Goswami from BERHAMPORE is Very Angry!Monday 11th of October 2021 11:23:31 AM

    Poor service

    You are not providing good service

  2. Harrasment by EKart

    regret to let you know Mr suprovat Sarkar, from Ekart delivery warehouse, at Bhakuri, opposite of AL-FAL-AH Mission, Berhampur, Murshidabad, WestBengal terribly misbehaved over the phone due to delay in my order, for which he made me wait one day after which he rescheduled the date and time by himself couldn't make it on time and I went for the pickup - cum exchange with my old laptop for which he intentionally labeled it as damaged and offered Rupees of 2000 only when it was not even damaged, later he pointed out that my hinge is broken when asked him to show where he suppressed it anyway, After that misbehave I had to pay an extra amount(8500) for the order from Flipkart, later today I received a text from Flipkart stating "pickup rejected of DELL Intel Core i3 because of product mismatched, While he intentionally discarded my exchange due to personal rivalry and regarded my product as damaged, he intimated Flipkart as "product mismatched", what a FRAUD. I Intimate, harsh actions to be taken immediately against him for the betterment of your business.

  3. ANIT SARKAR from LALGOLA-WESTBENGAL-INDIASaturday 29th of July 2023 10:03:41 AM


    good service

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