Blue Dart Express Ltd-Kanpur Area Office,Kanpur
Blue Dart Express Ltd - Courier Offices in Kanpur

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Blue Dart Express Ltd-Kanpur Area Office,Kanpur

Blue Dart Express Ltd Courier Offices in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh

  • Address: 37/17, Shiv Shanti Tower, H Imran Street, Kursawan, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh - 208001
  • Contact Person: -
  • Contact Number: 18602331234 Report wrong number!
  • Customer Care: 18602331234
  • Email: -
Current Company : Blue Dart Express Ltd. Change Company in Courier
Current State : Uttar Pradesh. Change State in Blue Dart Express Ltd Courier
Current City : Kanpur. Change City in Uttar Pradesh for Blue Dart Express Ltd Courier
Current Offices : Blue Dart Express Ltd-Kanpur Area Office,Kanpur. Change Offices in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh for Blue Dart Express Ltd Courier

Products available at shop / office :

Blue Dart Express Ltd Courier

All Blue Dart Express Ltd Courier Offices in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh :

  2. Blue Dart Express Ltd-Kanpur Area Office,Kanpur
  3. Blue Dart Express Ltd-Kanpur
  4. Blue Dart Express Ltd-Kanpur Area Office,Awadhlpuri

Comments / reviews :

  1. ramprasad mishra from mumbaiWednesday 12th of September 2018 11:20:37 AM

    way bill no. 35490457144

    your system is showing "shipment delivered" to Ram Prasad Mishra, but i am in Mumbai, to whom it has been delivered, nobody has contacted me on my mobile. locate my document sent by HDFC bank demat deptt. the official of HDFC are worried when i informed them the poor service of blue dart, they are asking to report about it how important document has been delivered to the person other than ME, to take up matter with higher responsible officials of Blue Dart for this careless and negligence of service by Kanpur office. RAM PRASAD MISHRA.

  2. Ajay Dwivedi from Kanpur is Angryyy!Monday 12th of November 2018 04:40:04 PM

    Delay delivery for more than 8 days

    Dear sir, it's shameful to inform you that your company's is just hell. My order is in town for 8 days and everyday updates show out for delivery then it again extended for 2 days. I am a middle class person and avoiding my work just for your companies foolish acts and remain in network range just to receive call from courier service. Hell it's totally a headache to have faith in blue dart... courier boy doesn't pick up the call santosh kumar jaiswal, Kanpur uttarpradesh. My courier is in town from 7 November... still it just sucks time nothing kindly look into the matter else people unite against the companies fraud in dealing with public and we file a case against you!

  3. Mohd Hassaan from KanpurFriday 1st of March 2019 06:52:42 AM

    Pathetic service

    You guys are giving the pathetic service i can have in the history of courier services. The guys i talk on Blue dart they have a very rude tone my package has been dispatched on Tuesday but didn’t got any update till now i.e. that is friday and still no clue i will never ever reccomend or use bluedart or DHL atleast DTDC guys up to date in delivering the package thank you for wasting my time.

  4. Anil kumar from KanpurFriday 21st of June 2019 10:02:13 AM

    Regarding delivery

    Dear my courier no 75456956223 my packet is not received yet this time your executive is not calling me my no is 9305692823 and 8960842160 please you arrange call with delivery person.

  5. Aman Sharma from Kanpur- is Angryyy!Thursday 6th of October 2022 10:59:45 AM


    Told me that the package is delayed due to registration issue and after i called they asked me to pay online.. the amount is not much but i was. It comfortable in sending it so i offered if i can pay to the guy delivery the order .. after they denied i proposed me to come over and collect it myself.. and will pay the amount... The guy threatened to cancel the order... This all when I called on there official no.

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