Gati-Godhra Franchise
Gati - Courier Offices in Godhra

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Gati-Godhra Franchise

Gati Courier Offices in Godhra, Gujarat

Current Company : Gati. Change Company in Courier
Current State : Gujarat. Change State in Gati Courier
Current City : Godhra. Change City in Gujarat for Gati Courier
Current Offices : Gati-Godhra Franchise. Change Offices in Godhra, Gujarat for Gati Courier

Products available at shop / office :

Gati Courier

All Gati Courier Offices in Godhra, Gujarat :

  1. Gati-Godhra Franchise

Comments / reviews :

  1. priyank joshi from godhra is Angryyy!Thursday 17th of March 2016 11:22:58 AM

    parsal avi gayu

    maru parsal tamare tya avi gayu che pan sarkho phone pan nai karta ke sarkhu add pan nathi apta amzon vala pan tamaro number juthho ape che

  2. idris from godhra is Angryyy!Friday 1st of April 2016 01:18:51 PM

    didnt get my courier yet

    the product is delivered to your service centre but uh ididnt send it to my adress why...? we also had pay money is we did smthng wrng that we paid money...? jus gave it to my adress by tommorow or else uh i vl coplaim in ur upper service centre

  3. anish parikh from godhraThursday 26th of April 2018 01:47:27 PM

    not delivery the parcel

    very very poor service of gati, never prefer gati not given proper answer i will complain 23rd not solve still date 26 April please delivery urgent

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