Saradha College
Airtel - Store Store, Outlet, Office, customer care in Salem

Location, Mobile - Contact number, Address, Email id and Reviews.

Saradha College

Airtel Store Store, Outlet, Office, customer care in Salem, Tamil Nadu

  • Address: Airtel Showroom Ground Floor, No.22/C/8 Shiva Plaza, Fairlands, Salem 636 016, Salem - 636016
  • Contact Person: -
  • Contact Number: - Report wrong number!
  • Customer Care: 18605006500
  • Email: -
Current Company : Airtel. Change Company in Store
Current State : Tamil Nadu. Change State in Airtel Store
Current City : Salem. Change City in Tamil Nadu for Airtel Store
Current Store, Outlet, Office, customer care : Saradha College. Change Store, Outlet, Office, customer care in Salem, Tamil Nadu for Airtel Store

Products available at shop / office :

Airtel DTH, Airtel Store

All Airtel Store Store, Outlet, Office, customer care in Salem, Tamil Nadu :

  1. Airtel Own Retail Store : Shiva Plaza
  2. Saradha College
  3. Rihaantel_Aeo
  4. M.K.Agenciies_Aeo
  5. Velmurugan Associates
  6. Shivani Communications
  7. Nikitha Communication
  8. Fouz Communication
  9. Velmurugan Enterprises
  10. Sinykaatel
  11. Ashfiyatel

Comments / reviews :

  1. SRINIVASAMOORTHY K from Salem is Angryyy!Friday 5th of January 2018 04:31:02 PM

    No response by staffs

    I paid Rs. 199 only to the staff for which they have not yet recharged till now, I felt laziness among the staffs

  2. Gem Granites from Meyyanur,-Salem-636-004 is Angryyy!Tuesday 5th of October 2021 09:57:20 AM

    No proper response

    Today We have to pay the broad band phone bill for Rs.588/-. The counter staff is noticed that there is no balance . we told that the bill is charged for Rs.600/-. They accepted but create the receipt for Rs.588/- only and the receipt is not forwarded our mail. The service and response is very poor.

  3. Ravichandran from Meyyanur,-Salem-4 is Angryyy!Tuesday 5th of October 2021 10:03:42 AM

    Bill payment

    We have to pay Rs.588/- for our Broad Band phone bill today and we have to pay Rs.600/- for the amount. The counter staff was told that they have no change, so the receipt of the phone bill is Rs. 600/-. We accepted, but the count staff raised the receipt for Rs.588/- only. The copy receipt is not sent our mail address. It was happening every month.

  4. Rafeeq from KichipalayamFriday 22nd of July 2022 10:46:06 AM


    Last one week my sim is not working ..tower also not showing..I will go to saradha College road Airtel shop...but that want to meet Airtel officers ...otherwise I want to know the phone.numbers for them..poor store experience

  5. Prakash from Namakkal is Angryyy!Wednesday 21st of February 2024 12:55:44 PM

    Wifi device

    Wifi device not working. Device changed one time too. But new device also not working properly.i want to cancel my postpaid plan.

  6. Arunachalam from Sharda-College-main-road-Salem-7- is Requesting!Wednesday 28th of February 2024 09:38:44 AM


    good store services

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