
Abhisek Kagliwl
Luminous Upsinverter Dealers in Guwahati

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Abhisek Kagliwl

Luminous Upsinverter Dealers in Guwahati, Assam

  • Address: Lakhtokia Rly Gate No. 02GUWAHATI, Assam - 781001
  • Contact Person: Laxmi Hightension System
  • Contact Number: 9435043335 Report wrong number!
  • Customer Care: 18001033039 / 18605003939
  • Email: -
Current Company : Luminous. Change Company in Upsinverter
Current State : Assam. Change State in Luminous Upsinverter
Current City : Guwahati. Change City in Assam for Luminous Upsinverter
Current Dealers : Abhisek Kagliwl. Change Dealers in Guwahati, Assam for Luminous Upsinverter

EMI! 8 Finance option(s) available for EMI.
  1. Bajaj Finserv
    Down Payment - 12.5%, Zero Interest Rate, Processing Fee - Rs. 750 only.
  2. Allahabad Bank
    Down Payment - 0%, Interest Rate - 11 to 12%, Processing Fee - 1.00% of loan amount minimum Rs 500/-%
  3. Andhra Bank
    Down Payment - 0%, Interest Rate - 12 to 13%, Processing Fee - Case to case different%
  4. Axis Bank
    Down Payment - 0%, Interest Rate - 15.50% to 24.0%%, Processing Fee - 1.50% to 2% + GST%
  5. Bandhan Bank
    Down Payment - 0%, Interest Rate - 14.00% to 18.75%%, Processing Fee - 1% + GST%
  6. Bank Of Bahrain And Kuwait
    Down Payment - 0%, Interest Rate - 12% to 16%%, Processing Fee - 1.50% of loan amount%
  7. Bank Of Baroda
    Down Payment - 0%, Zero Interest Rate, Processing Fee - 2% of Loan amount (Min. 1000/- rs. & Max. 10,000/- rs.) + Taxes%
  8. Bank Of India
    Down Payment - 0%, Interest Rate - 12% to 14%%, Processing Fee - 2 % of loan amount (Rs.1000/- to Rs.10,000/-)%

Products available at shop / office :

Luminous UPS/Inverter, Luminous Car Bike Battery

All Luminous Upsinverter Dealers in Guwahati, Assam :

  1. Radha Krishna Salse Agencies
  2. Sargam
  3. Nilachal Traders
  4. Seema Agency
  5. Arati Agency
  6. Kamakhya Battery Works
  7. Ridhi Sidhi Enterprises
  8. City Automobiles
  9. Cosmic Power Center
  10. Shiv Shakti Trading Co.
  11. Khatu Electro Communication
  12. Shree Ganesh Marketing
  13. Dhram Trading
  14. Tej Kumar Bawri
  15. Hong Cong Centre
  16. Intouch
  17. Electro Sales India
  18. Abhisek Kagliwl

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