Kissan Battery House
Luminous Upsinverter Dealers in Rohtak

Location, Mobile - Contact number, Address, Email id and Reviews.

Kissan Battery House

Luminous Upsinverter Dealers in Rohtak, Haryana

  • Address: Delhi Road SamplaSampla, Haryana - 124501
  • Contact Person: Dinesh Garg
  • Contact Number: 9896297275 Report wrong number!
  • Customer Care: 18001033039 / 18605003939
  • Email: Email:[email protected]
Current Company : Luminous. Change Company in Upsinverter
Current State : Haryana. Change State in Luminous Upsinverter
Current City : Rohtak. Change City in Haryana for Luminous Upsinverter
Current Dealers : Kissan Battery House. Change Dealers in Rohtak, Haryana for Luminous Upsinverter

EMI! 8 Finance option(s) available for EMI.
  1. Bajaj Finserv
    Down Payment - 12.5%, Zero Interest Rate, Processing Fee - Rs. 750 only.
  2. Allahabad Bank
    Down Payment - 0%, Interest Rate - 11 to 12%, Processing Fee - 1.00% of loan amount minimum Rs 500/-%
  3. Andhra Bank
    Down Payment - 0%, Interest Rate - 12 to 13%, Processing Fee - Case to case different%
  4. Axis Bank
    Down Payment - 0%, Interest Rate - 15.50% to 24.0%%, Processing Fee - 1.50% to 2% + GST%
  5. Bandhan Bank
    Down Payment - 0%, Interest Rate - 14.00% to 18.75%%, Processing Fee - 1% + GST%
  6. Bank Of Bahrain And Kuwait
    Down Payment - 0%, Interest Rate - 12% to 16%%, Processing Fee - 1.50% of loan amount%
  7. Bank Of Baroda
    Down Payment - 0%, Zero Interest Rate, Processing Fee - 2% of Loan amount (Min. 1000/- rs. & Max. 10,000/- rs.) + Taxes%
  8. Bank Of India
    Down Payment - 0%, Interest Rate - 12% to 14%%, Processing Fee - 2 % of loan amount (Rs.1000/- to Rs.10,000/-)%

Products available at shop / office :

Luminous UPS/Inverter, Luminous Car Bike Battery

All Luminous Upsinverter Dealers in Rohtak, Haryana :

  1. V. Guard Electronics
  2. Ess Kay Electricals
  3. V.k. Battery
  4. Sanmati Electronics
  5. Radhey Enterprises
  6. Bhagwati Traders
  7. Raj Electricals
  8. Satish Electricals
  9. Raj Service Station
  10. Raja & Company
  11. Gandhi Battery House
  12. Vikas Electronics
  13. Vinay Battery House
  14. Bhayana Batt House
  15. Bhimeshwary Electrical
  16. Vishwkarma Electricals
  17. Anil Enterprises
  18. Shanti Industries
  19. Paras Batt House
  20. Kadiyan Battery House
  21. Parbhat Electronics
  22. Yogesh Battery House
  23. Mangat Batt House
  24. Parkesh Battery & Inverter House
  25. Chirag Enterprises
  26. Rohilla Electric Works
  27. Goyal Electric
  28. Goyat Enterprises
  29. Pawan Electronics & Refrigration
  30. Subhash Electric & Batt Palace
  31. Shiv Electronics
  32. Sumit Inv Batt House
  33. S.g.m. Industries
  34. Kissan Battery House
  35. Haryana Electricals
  36. Haryana Electricals
  37. Shree Krishana Transformer
  38. Dhankar Electric Works
  39. Hi Power Batt
  40. Kuldeep Auto Electric Works
  41. Bagga Invertor
  42. Swastik Enterprises
  43. Shree Vardhman Electricals
  44. Shri Bala Ji Enterprises
  45. Hooda Transformer
  46. Electra Batteries
  47. Batra Transformer
  48. Shubham Electric

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