M/S. Shree Durga Motors-Bulandshahr
Hero Bike Service Center in Bulandshahr

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M/S. Shree Durga Motors-Bulandshahr

Hero Bike Service Centers in Bulandshahr, Uttar Pradesh

  • Address: Opp Samrat Lodge, Delhi Rd, Bulandshahr - 203001
  • Contact Person: Mrs Latesh Yadav
  • Contact Number: 05732 - 224237 / 280237 / 9359910237 / 7290028225 Report wrong number!
  • Customer Care: 18002660018
  • Email: [email protected]
Current Company : Hero. Change Company in Bike
Current State : Uttar Pradesh. Change State in Hero Bike
Current City : Bulandshahr. Change City in Uttar Pradesh for Hero Bike
Current Service Center : M/S. Shree Durga Motors-Bulandshahr. Change Dealers in Bulandshahr, Uttar Pradesh for Hero Bike

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All Hero Bike Service Center(s) in Bulandshahr, Uttar Pradesh :

  1. M/S. Chaudhary Motors,-Khurja
  2. M/S. Krishna Automobiles-Bulandshahr
  3. M/S. Shree Durga Motors-Bulandshahr
  4. M/S. Shri Ganga Motors,-Dibai

Comments / reviews :

  1. Shivam Agarwal from Bulandshahr is Very Angry!Monday 4th of September 2023 12:45:44 PM

    Worst service

    Hi, From my bike helmet got misplaced and now they are denying to give me back. Also apart from this I gave my scooty for service and now after getting service also the scooty was not properly cleaned, in it some paint spots are there. When told about it to them they told me that I will do it clean from your petrol. And when i denied them to use my petrol, they told me ok will do it from our. And later still they are using my petrol to clean my scooty. Also when I bought the scooty the side stand sensor was not working from day 1. And when I told them multiple times to get it done correct, now they are saying me again 3rd time that we have placed the order and in next service it will get done. And today when I asked about the price, so he told that you can come here after 10 days, will fix it and take the amount of that part. Now tell me if any part is missing since I bought. So is this a customer fault? Also the main thing the person who filled feedback, he just take only the main information from customer. And post that all ratings will be filled by them with 100%. And main thing the person who was taking the customer feedback, was unnecessary laughing at me and not taking the issues seriously. Also I have told multiple points but he didn't write anywhere or note anywhere. I am very disappointing from Durga motors. And that person name is kushal. He is very demean person. I am very disappointed, now I will never go into Durga motors and also not use any hero products in future. My mobile number is 8512030638.

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